Months in the making, the beautiful, colorful, fall issue of Sift magazine is here! Packed with more than 60 recipes and filled with adventures, it's an issue you'll want to get your hands on right away. Here's a taste of some of the riches within its pages.
It's the time of year when creative bakers all over the land are putting their cakes, breads, and cookies on the line at fairs and festivals, hoping for blue-ribbon glory. King Arthur has been sponsoring these contests for years, and we've put together some of our favorite winning recipes for you to enjoy.
Cool nights have us thinking about warm desserts, and our collection of pudding cakes fills the bill. You'll find creative flavors such as Vanilla Bean, Gingerbread, Raspberry, and Caramel Pear pudding cakes, next to the more familiar Fudge and Lemon.
Sift magazine's new fall issue features sweet and savory recipes that put pumpkin to work in classics such as the best Pumpkin Pie you've ever had, as well as flavorful dishes like an Afghan pumpkin stew called Borani Kadoo, and Pumpkin Parmesan Rugelach.
Speaking of harvest, Jena Carlin shares the scene at her family's cranberry farm in Wisconsin, and Jim Rude showcases recipes that put that brilliant red bounty to work.
Our collection of custom-designed, crafted breads and local artisan cheeses, carefully matched to bring this beloved staple to a whole new level of delectability.
It happens to all of us. We buy an ingredient for a particular recipe, and after that one meal, it languishes in the refrigerator or pantry. For our Easy Recipes feature, we wrote some creative and tasty ideas to put those poor, abandoned ingredients to use.
The glories of fresh restaurant pasta, brought to life in your kitchen. Fresh pasta is quicker to make and easier to enjoy than you might think.
Read the story of a family-owned mill in Washington that's bringing freshly ground flour to school cafeterias. Drop in on a backyard make-your-own pizza party. Take a tour of Nashville's baking scene with resident pastry wizard Lisa Donovan, explore the glories of baking with buttermilk, and bake with us as we share recipes built tasty on whole-grain goodness.