New year, new beginnings — a new way of eating? If you, a friend, or loved one has decided to welcome 2017 by eliminating gluten from your diet, listen up: the simplest way — by far — to enjoy a fresh-baked gluten-free breakfast is with our Measure for Measure flour.

With Measure for Measure, there's no need to worry about adding xanthan gum or extra eggs. And no necessity to seek out and try a gluten-free recipe. Simply make your favorite breakfast recipe — pancakes or waffles, scones or biscuits, muffins or quick bread — and substitute gluten-free Measure for Measure flour for the all-purpose flour in your recipe. Note: Don't try this with your cinnamon rolls or sticky buns; it's not a good fit in recipes using yeast.


The result?

Let's take Measure for Measure for a test drive.


Measure for Measure Simply Perfect Pancakes

Our most popular pancake recipe produces tender, light pancakes; making the recipe with Measure for Measure yields the same result.

Tip: Vary the amount of milk in the recipe to produce anything from thick, fluffy pancakes to thinner, eggier-type cakes. The more milk, the thinner your cakes will be.


Serve warm — with butter and syrup, of course.


Measure for Measure Doughnut Muffins

These high-rising muffins get high marks on our recipe site. With over 300 mostly 5-star reviews, they're one of our most popular muffins. Redolent of cinnamon and nutmeg, they'll remind you of the ultimate old-fashioned cake doughnut — in muffin form.

Tip: For perfectly shaped muffins, scoop the batter with a large scoop; our muffin scoop is a practical choice here.




Measure for Measure Bacon-Cheddar-Chive Scones

Don't fall into the same-old, same-old rut with scones — they don't HAVE to be sweet. These savory scones, laced with chopped chives, chunks of cheddar, and diced crisp bacon, are the perfect accompaniment to creamy scrambled eggs.

Tip: Don't stand over the stove tending a pan of hot, sputtering bacon. Bake bacon in the oven and it'll be done, without any attention at all, in just 30 minutes. 

Never made scones? Here's how:


Mix all of the scone ingredients together, and shape into a disk (two disks, for smaller scones). Cut into eight wedges each.


Brush with milk or cream, to help the scones brown.


Bake and enjoy!

I hope I've convinced any of you baking gluten-free to try our new Measure for Measure flour. Honestly, it's such a relief not to worry about finding a gluten-free recipe, wondering how it'll come out... All I have to do is use any of my old favorite recipes, substitute M4M (as we've nicknamed it around here), and enjoy a gluten-free treat every bit as good as the original.

Happy gluten-free baking!

If you're gluten-free (or baking for someone who is!) check out more gluten-free baking options in our Gluten-Free Breakfast recipe collection. 

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A headshot of PJ Hamel and her dogs
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About PJ Hamel

PJ Hamel grew up in New England, graduated from Brown University, and was an award-winning Maine journalist (favorite topics: sports and food) before joining King Arthur Flour in 1990. Hired to write the newly launched Baker’s Catalogue, PJ became the small but growing company’s sixth employee.PJ wa...
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