King Arthur Flour is excited to introduce (drum roll, please) our brand new Bake Truck!
Pretty snazzy, right? You can't miss this truck. With its 22' spatula on top and rolling pin bumper, it makes quite an impression. As you can imagine, we've received many waves and honks on the highway.
The truck is outfitted with two convection ovens, a refrigerator and a freezer--and is surprisingly spacious.
If you're an avid King Arthur Flour fan, you've probably heard of our Bake for Good initiative. King Arthur Flour is on a mission to inspire people to do good through baked goods.
Our Bake Truck will travel to fairs, festivals, and other fun events to spread the joy of baking. Our hope is that by sharing delicious treats, others will be encouraged to do the same. It's so easy to put a smile on someone's face, when you hand them a homemade baked good.
We're connecting with a local food-related charity in each city that we travel to. We'll both raise awareness, and collect donations for the organization.
The Bake Truck's first outing was the Waterbury Arts Festival in Waterbury, VT. It was a beautiful Vermont day to enjoy music, entertainment and good food.
We served Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies – loaded with chocolate chips and the whole-grain power of oats. The alluring smell wafted from the truck, drawing people in for a warm cookie.
Who can say no to a warm, ooey-gooey chocolate chip cookie? Not many, in our experience. Visitors of all ages walked away smiling, and sighing "mmm yum."
Who will you bake for? We love to bake for family, friends and our customers – let us know you bake for in the comments below!
Thanks to Julia Reed, who took these photos.